Vineyard Pest Management course
Vineyard Pest Management is a four-credit course offered by the Chemeketa Community College Wine Studies Program. This is an 11-week class, beginning April 4. Class meets 5-9 pm, Wednesdays. For questions please contact the instructor, Russell Moss.New Chemeketa students go to Continuing students can register online at
Fee: $463
Chemeketa Community College Northwest Wine Studies Center Chemeketa Community College Northwest Wine Studies Center 97304 215 Doaks Ferry Road NW, Salem, Oregon 97304
Wine Aging, Filtration, and Bottling course
Wine Aging, Filtration, and Bottling is a four-credit course offered by the Chemeketa Community College Wine Studies Program. This is an 11-week class, beginning April 4. Class meets 3-8 pm, Wednesdays. For questions please contact the instructor, Scott Dwyer.New Chemeketa students go to Continuing students can register online at
Fee: $431
Chemeketa Community College Northwest Wine Studies Center Chemeketa Community College Northwest Wine Studies Center 97304 215 Doaks Ferry Road NW, Salem, Oregon 97304