A Life-Giving Light
Julio Hernandez has worked for the Letts since 1991. He was 18 when he was first hired as a vineyard worker. He rose up the ladder, learning on the job. Two years ago, he was promoted to cellarmaster. About that time, Hernandez’s wife, Guadalupe, was diagnosed with kidney disease.
Genoa Is Back
Genoa, Portland’s original “farm-to-table” restaurant, recently reopened under the new culinary direction of David Anderson, executive chef and general manager, and Trish Eiting, owner.
Person of the Year: Climatologist Greg Jones
From his modest office on the Southern Oregon University campus in Ashland, Dr. Gregory V. Jones is quietly plotting how to change the world. While the media spotlight still lingers on the climate change discussions that came out of the Copenhagen summit, Jones is thinking beyond talk and politics, and about specifics:How is climate change impacting the global wine industry? How can we make the best of it? What can we do before it’s too late?
It’s a field of research that barely existed when Jones began two decades ago. Since then, he’s dedicated his career to focusing on the entire climate puzzle.
Wine with a Conscience
Southern Oregon wine educator creates website, lecture series and tastings to promote green winesThe Allison Arrives in Style
The Willamette Valley’s largest luxury inn to open in September