AgroNatturalia becomes Importer/Distributor of Heat Technology – Thermaculture™ to Mexico and Central America
Walnut Creek, CA USA - Today, AgroNatturalia CEO, Adrian Teo Rivera Felix, announced his company’s role as importer/distributor of Agrothermal Systems’ Thermaculture™ technology in Mexico and Central America. Located in Queretaro, Mexico; AgroNatturalia is well positioned to introduce and distribute this innovative patented technology – Thermaculture, the use of heat application - to growers in this region. Over the last ten years the company has specialized in supplying ecologically based fertilizers to Mexico, and other Latin American countries. With more than twenty years in the food and agriculture sectors, Mr. Rivera has been involved in the produce industry since 1992, with a background in Plant Science Engineering from ITESM campus Queretaro, and with graduate studies in Post-Harvest of fruits and vegetables from U.C. Davis. He has been a grower and distributor of fruits and vegetables, as well as, representing numerous USA commodity groups to market their product in the Mexican market. His main focus, over the past decade, has been his fertilizer company that specializes in working with regional distributors throughout Mexico and the Southern Hemisphere to supply natural and organic certified fertilizers for animal husbandry and crops.
“I have an in-depth understanding of the berry and grape grower export issues in Mexico and know that they will be keen to embrace this new technology,” Rivera continues. “This could be a real benefit to the grower as not only will they save costs by reducing the amount of pesticide used on the crop, but it will also help with the exports as pesticide residuals can kill an export program.” With the announcement, Agrothermal Systems’ CEO, Marty Fischer expressed, “We are excited to have him join our team and look forward to developing this geographic region with Mr. Rivera’s expertise and knowledge.”
Thermaculture has been used primarily in the vineyards to manage fruit set and pest control, and has been highly effective in drying off the crop after unseasonable rains. Recent studies done on wines produced from heat treated grapes showed higher levels of antioxidant and phenol, compounds that aid humans to fight disease and are important contributors to improving wine taste. Both Messrs. are highly confident that the expansion of Thermaculture will result in a positive outcome for growers in Mexico and Central America.
AgroThermal Systems ( is based in Walnut Creek, California and is a DBA of Lazo TPC Global, Inc., a California Corporation. AgroThermal pioneered the use of Thermaculture as a means to increase yields, reduce pesticide needs, manage crop damage from inclement weather events and improve crop healthfulness and taste characteristics. The company holds patents on Thermal Pest Control and has patents pending on Thermal Plant Treatment.