Estate-Grown Jazz
Deepwood Wine & Jazz Fest delivers memorable evening

With the 1894 Queen Anne Historic Deepwood Estate in the background, party-goers arrived along a garden path lined with colorful summer blooms. The sizzle and aroma of food on the grill whetted appetites, music filled the air and everyone had a wineglass in hand. It was time for the Deepwood Wine & Jazz Fest held on June 28 in Salem.
Bringing together nearly 1,000 guests, three gardens of wine and two stages of music, the party was a mix of returning revelers, out-of-town visitors and new residents of the area. One couple, in town only a few weeks, attended to explore the different wines, taking notes on which wineries to visit.
Those more familiar with local wineries visited their favorites to try current releases. Many were poured by the winemakers themselves. “I love learning the special stories about the wines,” shared one attendee.
“The objective of the event is to highlight Oregon wineries, local restaurateurs and business partners while showcasing the Historic Deepwood Estate,” said Interim Executive Director Betty Murrell.
Stangeland, which poured two award-winning 2012 Pinot Noirs, has participated in the Deepwood Wine & Jazz Fest since the event began eight years ago.
“This is great exposure for Stangeland’s wines,” said owner/winemaker Larry Miller. “I was one of the people who originally suggested the idea of a wine event at Historic Deepwood Estate.”
Willamette Valley Vineyards and Cubanísimo have also been regulars. This was Keeler Estate’s first year at the event. “We were delighted to get the spot,” owner Gabrielle Keeler said.
The wine garden was designed with the concept of “garden rooms” in which food and wine tables were grouped in three areas. One guest commented, “This is great because there aren’t any long lines.”
Small plates were in the $5 range and offered international flavors as well as gluten-free and vegan options. By-the-glass wine prices were reasonable with most in the $5 to $10 range. Tasting pours and discounted bottle purchases were also offered.
Guests enjoyed jazz with a few eclectic favorites from Ivie Meziere Band featuring Ellen Whyte and Afro/Cuban jazz band Picante. Just when it seemed no one would be first on the dance floor, the band played “Funkytown” and inhibitions receded. Many stayed until the end, enjoying their last sip of wine in the garden.
Historic Deepwood Estate’s gardens are part of Salem’s park system and open to the public during daylight hours, unless scheduled for a private event. For more information on Historic Deepwood Estate and their upcoming events, visit
Jade Helm is author of Tasting Pour, a blog about wine, cocktails and food. She is a Certified Specialist through the Society of Wine Educators and has earned her Diploma in Wine and Spirits from Wine and Spirits Education Trust.