The credit for this recipe goes to Chef Jeneane Richards and the VinoLab team, a not-so-secret society at Troon Vineyards that focuses on isolating the yummies that work well together. The VinoLab Pavilion is open at Troon from Memorial Day through Labor Day weekends. – Liz Wan, Troon Vineyards
1 cup pitted fresh cherries (fresh please, for the flavor!)
1 cup roasted pork loin pieces
Note: any cut of pork is fine, but a lower fat content is desired. If you want to get fancy, you may choose to marinate the pork in Troon’s Cabernet Sauvignon for about 20 minutes before roasting. Team VinoLab recommends that wine go into the food -- and the chef -- before it goes onto the table, when approriate!
2 Tablespoons oyster sauce
¹/³ cup finely-grated parmesan, plus ½ cup extra for topping mushrooms
¼ cup bread crumbs
salt and pepper to taste
1. Preheat oven to 350ºF 2. Use a food processor to finely chop cherries and pork. 3. Combine with oyster sauce, parmesan and bread crumbs. 4. Season stuffing mixture to taste 5. Fill buttoned mushrooms with stuffing, packing in as much goodness as possible 6. Top with extra parmesan cheese. Tip: put the parmesan in a bowl and push the stuffed mushroom, stuffing side down, into the cheese to avoid getting cheese all over your baking pans and wasting cheese 7. Bake approximately 25 minutes at 350ºF or until parmesan is crusty and begins to turn brown.
Troon Vineyard is an internationally recognized, award winning, boutique winery, with a team dedicated to the pursuit of “good times and fine wines.” Located in the viticultural heart of the ApplegateValley, the winery and vineyard are set on a beautiful 98 acre property with breathtaking panoramic views. Troon Vineyard is situated about half way between Grants Pass and Jacksonville (approximately 20 minutes from either location). Established in 1972 by founder and southern Oregon grape growing pioneer Dick Troon, the winery is now owned and operated by the Martin family. With an incredible new tasting room and winery completed in summer 2005, this is the preeminent facility in southern Oregon.