Poco a Poco
Little by little can deliver greater rewards

By Michele Francisco, OWP Editor
For many, the new year inspires resolutions to improve and become better people. In theory, these aspirations feel manageable. In practice, however, most fail to achieve much progress toward them.
Finally recognizing I, too, was a victim of the “resolution treadmill,” I changed tactics and have realized greater success (and happiness) pursuing dreams instead of tangible goals. I’ve found better results with incremental changes over time. A mere five percent improvement is an easier commitment. Much like saving money, annual compounding grows larger rewards each year.
I strongly believe investing in one’s self and core beliefs is the secret to improving our world. Chasing passions can indeed open doors to new opportunities. In fact, the media publishes similar “feel good” stories every day. Here’s mine.
In 2011, I enrolled in Chemeketa’s Northwest Wine Studies program simply because I adored Oregon wine. I wanted to learn everything about how to grow, make and market it. As my passion grew, I began blogging about Northwest wines. Writing regularly helped me refine my craft, preparing me for the role of Oregon Wine Press editor. Today, I feel incredibly fortunate (and privileged) to promote the aspirations of so many people highlighted in each issue.
Ironic how a passion project can lead to something bigger…
For 2025, my professional goals remain: to continue publishing informative, compelling stories; showcase wineries around the state, thereby embracing our publication name “Oregon” Wine Press; and include more individuals and projects celebrating diversity, innovation and sustainability. With the established principle of compounding, I expect even greater gains than ever.
Personally, I am working to become a more accepting, global citizen. We can learn so much from other cultures and customs. I’m seeking new ways to see the world. Knowledge brings fresh ideas; watch them appear in future stories.
I hope the New Year brings good tidings and prosperity to you as well.
After a childhood spent reading and writing, Michele Francisco graduated from UCLA with an English degree. She moved to Oregon in 2010, studied wine at Chemeketa Community College and began Winerabble, a Northwest-focused wine blog. Michele has been a cheerleader for Oregon wine since her arrival.