Invite your friends to ‘Come Over’ this October
Month-long campaign promotes gathering over a glass or bottle of wine

By Michele Francisco
Numerous studies have revealed direct correlations between a person’s social connection and health. In fact, the US Attorney General cites research suggesting “the mortality impact of being socially disconnected is similar to that caused by smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day, and even greater than that associated with obesity and physical inactivity.” The bottom line is loneliness likely leads to premature death.
Yet, the solution is simple. Strengthen your relationships and bonds with others. A new wine campaign, Come Over October, encourages the perfect opportunity. Created by The Wine Bible’s Karen MacNeil, along with Gino Colangelo, president of Colangelo & Partners, Come Over October, or COO, encourages people to gather over a glass of wine.
MacNeil says it best: “For centuries, wine has inspired friendship and goodwill. it has been a social ‘glue’ binding people together to share it. No other beverage in history has played such a profound role culturally and socially. I am convinced that we love wine not only for its flavors but also for the meaning it creates.”
Oregon’s many wine organizations enthusiastically support the COO promotion. Executive director for Willamette Valley Wineries Association and Willamette Valley Wine Foundation Morgen McLaughlin explains, “We are participating in the Come Over October campaign because we believe in the timeless role of wine as a cultural and social connector. Throughout history, wine has brought people together, fostering meaningful conversations and shared experiences. Our focus is on supporting the wine industry and preserving the traditions that celebrate togetherness. To guide visitors, our website features details on various events happening across the region:”
“We’re so proud to represent Oregon Wine as a Champion Patron of this important movement that has garnered support and collaboration across wine regions around the world,” says Gina Bianco, Oregon Wine Board’s executive director. “Wine is such a unifying beverage steeped in thousands of years of tradition, bringing people together in celebration and community. Whether you are inspired to plan a trip to wine country or to host a celebration in your own living room with friends, we hope wine lovers everywhere will commemorate Come Over October with your favorite glass of Oregon wine in hand,” adds Bianco.
Friendship and wine go hand-in-hand in my life– I’ll bet you feel the same. One of my greatest pleasures involves enjoying a glass of wine with a friend (or several). Wine solidifies our bond in a special way. According to Ximena Orrego, vice-president of the Yamhill-Carlton Winegrowers Association and Atticus Wine’s owner and winemaker, “A Yamhill-Carlton Pinot Noir is the perfect choice to bring to a friend’s house and celebrate Come Over October. We believe in this campaign and the entire AVA is excited to support it.”
COO also counters the deceptive rumors circulating about alcohol. The recent neo-Prohibitionism movement and its false claims regarding alcohol consumption continue to gain implausible traction. Colangelo says, “Over the past year or two, negative stories about wine and health have dominated in the press, creating an existential threat to the wine industry. The Come Over October campaign aims to create a positive narrative about wine in media and the minds of consumers. Wine is cultural, historical, sustainable and good economics for rural communities around the world. Wine is part of the communal table, everyday meals as well as special celebrations. Wine needs advocacy and that’s what our campaign is all about.”
Joining Come Over October is simple. Merely invite a friend over for a glass of wine. Or meet at your favorite winery, restaurant or bar. The wine industry is supporting Come Over October by posting celebration suggestions and special events on social media. Follow the #comeoveroctober hashtag to learn more. Visit to find events near you.
Building stronger social connections increases happiness and well-being. COO not only strengthens friendships but also reduces loneliness. All month long, I will be toasting good health and a longer, happier life.
Michele Francisco spent her childhood reading and writing, eventually graduating from UCLA with an English degree. She attended graphic design school and began a career in design and marketing. After moving to Oregon in 2010, Michele studied wine at Chemeketa Community College and began Winerabble, a Northwest-focused wine blog. She has been a cheerleader for Oregon wine since her arrival.