Get in the Mood with Food: the Kitchen is the New Bedroom

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Aphrodisiac expert Amy Reiley holds an M.A. in gastronomy from Le Cordon Bleu. She is the author of “Fork Me, Spoon Me: The Sensual Cookbook” and the creator of For the lustful gourmand, she writes an Aphrodisiac of the Month Newsletter sure to spice up your kitchen. And maybe your love life, too.

Q: Why aphrodisiacs?

A: I started writing about aphrodisiacs before Le Cordon Bleu, but it was at school that I really had the chance to pursue the topic fully. I’ve always been very interested in the nutrition side of food and I also have a love for Greek Mythology. So aphrodisiacs were a natural for me!  When I started writing on the topic, I became quickly frustrated by a lack of information. I realized that there was a real need for someone like me who wanted to become an expert in aphrodisiacs from a culinary point of view.

Q: Are there any common misconceptions regarding aphrodisiacs?

A: Too many people are skeptical because they have an unreal expectation of aphrodisiacs’ powers. After eating fast food for a week, popping a chunk of dark chocolate is not going to suddenly put you “in the mood.”  As is the truth with any aspect of diet, you have to eat well to have the energy and mentality of feeling sexy and empowered to seduce. I’m not saying you have to have a supermodel figure to be a seductress, but you have to feel good before you’re going to have romantic success.

Q: In your book, “Fork Me, Spoon Me,” you focus on 12 aphrodisiacs, how did you choose them?

A: I selected the 12 ingredients to feature in “Fork Me” based on several criteria: they had to have both folkloric history and scientific evidence of their aphrodisiac powers and they had to be easy to obtain, reasonably priced ingredients. That doesn’t mean there aren’t hundreds of other ingredients equally interesting.  

Q: Any unusual or new aphrodisiacs that you’ve featured recently?

A: Acai, truffles and wild strawberries. And Champagne, an aphrodisiac of inhibition (also recently reported to have many of the same antioxidant benefits as red wine).

Q: So, a bottle of bubbles is a must; any other tips for “passion by pilot light”?

A: Make as much of the meal as you can in advance. On the evening of your dinner, you’ll want to save your energy for more important things than cooking.  Pick recipes that you can make together, like rolling sushi. The teamwork of cooking together can bring you closer. Finally, finish the meal with a cup of coffee or espresso. Coffee elevates mood and will give you that little burst of energy right when you need it.

Q: What is an essential ingredient for romance?

A: In “Fork Me, Spoon Me,” there is an entire chapter dedicated to “venues.” I like to encourage people to break out of their routine. I find this is a great aid in appreciating sensuality. You have to be in the moment in order to appreciate the excitement of textures, flavors, colors

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