Mini Buffalo Burgers with Rogue Blue Cheese and Marinated Red Onions

Recipe by Jody P. Kropf, owner of Red Hills Market in Dundee

These little treats were created for a wine release party at Lange Estate Winery. I love bison, Tempranillo, my friends at Lange and a good summer barbecue — this was pure fun for me.”  - Jody Kropf


1 pound ground buffalo (I use L-Bar-T Bison in Forest Grove)

1 red onion, thinly sliced

2 tablespoons red wine vinegar

2 tablespoons ketchup

2 tablespoons stone ground mustard

* olive oil

* salt and black pepper, to taste

* butterleaf lettuce

* dill pickles, diced

* Rogue Creamery blue cheese

* small sourdough dinner rolls for buns


1. Onions: Slice red onion thin and toss with red wine vinegar, a dash of salt and 1 tablespoon olive oil; let sit for 2 hours. 2. Sauce: Mix ketchup, stone ground mustard, a spash of olive oil, and salt and pepper, to taste. 3. Burgers: Mix meat with 1 teaspoon olive oil, and salt and black pepper, to taste. Make burgers small and fairly thick. Grill at a very high heat, as they will dry out from the lack of fat. 4. Assemble and enjoy! Yields 6 to 8 burgers per pound of meat.


Lange Estate 2009 Tempranillo, Umpqua Valley or Domaine Trouvere 2007 Tempranillo, Umpqua Valley

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