It's Oregon, Take a Hike
By Hilary Berg, OWP Editor
Summer is here, and it's time to soak up the sun and Oregon's good weather. After months of cool rain, Oregonians worship what many of us jokingly refer to as "that foreign object in the sky." (I admit, though, I always think,"UFO?" The age-old gag gets me every time.)
Kidding aside, when the sun comes out, Oregon comes alive, transforming into an outdoors Nirvana.
Included in the state's earthly ecstasy are many rivers and streams. One in particular, the North Umpqua, is the backdrop of an Oregon icon, Steamboat Inn. Writer Gail Oberst, a Southern Oregon native herself, writes that not only is Steamboat near some of the best fly fishing in the state, but also host to winemakers' dinners that can only be described as "legendary."
"The New Oregon Trail" by Mark Stock also celebrates Oregon's summer by taking you out of the tasting room and onto rugged trails. Who knew you could hike vineyards? Mark suggests some great locations to plan your next wine tasting trek.
Writer Janet Eastman keeps you in the open air with the Farm to Fork dinner series in the Rogue Valley. Whether it's in a wheat field or a veggie garden, each dinner promises an impressive alfresco feast.
While the June issue takes you outside, it also invites you inside the Oregon wine industry for the latest news.
Writer John Darling reports on climatologist Greg Jones' intriguing work digitizing and analyzing a group of Hungarian paintings dating back to 1744. Adding to his already impressive research on the hot-button topic of climate change, Jones hopes to learn more about the past centuries' weather and its effect on the vine.
In the story about Cork ReHarvest, a national recycling program created by local Patrick Spencer, Mark Stock once again does his homework and gives all the green details of this exciting new venture.
Writer Kerry Newberry also does her research in her review of "Swirl, Sip and Savor" by Carol Frieberg. Moving away from her laptop and into the kitchen, Kerry tests the new text herself by cooking some of the small-plate recipes. Her verdict? Go buy the book.
This issue is full of great stories to whet your appetite for both food and wine, and for sunny summer adventures.
With that, I leave you to your reading, with one suggestion to keep in mind: Take it outside!