The Pursuit of Knowledge
Wine education is never finished
By Michele Francisco, OWP Editor
An accomplished winemaker I met recently called himself a “student” of wine. I’ve often reflected on our conversation. No matter the scope of someone’s wine knowledge, there’s always more to learn. That’s why I fill my days with wine, spending hours reading, researching, speaking and writing about it.
Wine intersects with countless subjects– from art, history, travel, food, farming, chemistry, biology to literature, and more… A curious person can spend a lifetime studying wine and never learn everything. Each vintage contributes something new, extending learning opportunities. Wine education is never finished.
Regardless of your wine expertise level, dabble in what interests you. Satisfy your curiosity and explore what brings you joy about the beverage. Opportunities abound. Organized wine events and festivals, in their casual settings, can increase your knowledge. Winemaker dinners and vineyard tours present a more intimate environment to learn about a specific winery. Want to contribute in a more direct manner? Consider volunteering on the bottling line or sorting fruit during harvest.
For an even deeper connection, try lending your hobby expertise. Amateur beekeepers might establish a pollinator program. Avid gardeners can suggest native plants and trees, along with care instructions. DIYers might construct a sturdy chicken coop or improve an outdoor patio space. A small winery will benefit from your skills, while you increase your wine knowledge.
Our wine community is comprised of a welcoming bunch of people. Their enthusiasm and passion are contagious. They, too, are “wine students,” learning more with each vintage. Join them and stay curious!
Michele Francisco spent her childhood reading and writing, eventually graduating from UCLA with an English degree. She attended graphic design school and began a career in design and marketing. After moving to Oregon in 2010, Michele studied wine at Chemeketa Community College and began Winerabble, a Northwest-focused wine blog. She has been a cheerleader for Oregon wine since her arrival.