Tasting Room Managers form Network
The Willamette Valley Tasting Room Managers Network is now a federally recognized nonprofit professional organization, the first formed for hospitality professionals in the Willamette Valley. The group hopes to encourage the exchange of ideas, communication, and professional networking among tasting room managers and others with primary responsibility for hospitality at Willamette Valley wineries.
Membership is open to those who work as tasting room managers. Those who wear several hats, in addition to management, are also welcome. Affiliate membership is open to any who work in the wine industry, but are not directly involved in tasting room management.
The group meets every other month and invites guest speakers who talk about relevant topics. The group also sponsors educational seminars -- the next one is April 13 at St. Innocent Winery.
The network's board of directors includes Mich Nelson, President; Stephanie Eads-Paul of Seufert Winery,Vice President; Dave Walker, of Willamette Valley Vineyards Wine Center, Secretary; Andrew Turner of Ponzi Wine Bar, Treasurer; Katie McLennan of Rex Hill and A to Z, Technology; and Steve Guy, Past President.
For more information, contact Nelson at: mich.nelson@gmail.com or call 503-730-8781.