Shur Farms offers scholarships

Shur Farms is providing a grant and scholarships to individuals - one grant at $500 and two scholarships at $250 each. Please reply asking for the application at

2015 Grant Winner: Engineers without Borders, Lindsey Weinholtz – Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Their goals are to provide the community of Las Mojarras, Guatemala with running water, improved sanitation, and a higher quality of living. The community consists roughly of 550 people, with about 25 families in the community having access to running water. The storage of water causes sanitation issues, leaving latrines a scarcity in densely occupied areas. Currently they are working on a water distribution project to provide water to the remaining areas of the community. They have a 5 year commitment to the community and this will allow their students to apply what they have learned in class to the engineering field.

2015 Scholarship Winners: Please apply and ask for an application.

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