Vintage Nurseries Introduces All-New Root Sock
More proof that you, the growers, are first priority to Vintage Nurseries and that they keep growing for you. The Vintage Nurseries “Growers First” philosophy has really taken root. In fact, they’ve created the Vintage Root Sock system that is globally exclusive to Vintage Nurseries. They made it their mission to develop this innovation to save you time, money and hassles. But they didn’t stop there. You’ll be pleased to discover all of the added benefits that were designed into this root sock for you. They realized that, it couldn’t just be new, it had to be different.
The advantages of these new root socks are that they eliminate pots and trays in your fields, are palletized for quick and easy unloading and are adaptable to all programs adding fertilizer, Mycorrhizae and more. In fact, every single vine is inspected by hand, which results in savings on labor and costs. They also save time with a 15% faster planting rate and are 100% biodegradable and environmentally friendly. The Vintage Root Sock is exclusive to Vintage Nurseries (patent pending). Reserve yours today for 2015 as production is limited to 500,000.
For more information please call Vintage Nurseries at 800-499-9019 or email Dustin Hooper, Director of Sales at Vintage Nurseries is planning and planting the things you need for your success.