¡Salud! Sip
Celebrations for the 21st anniversary of ¡Salud! The Oregon Pinot Noir Auction will begin Aug. 11 with ¡Salud! Sip, a day for collectors of ¡Salud! cuvées to open their bottles and share their tasting experiences online. Participants can share their tasting notes and photos through Facebook (www:facebook.com/saludauction) and Twitter (@saludauction #saludsip).
Top restaurants in Portland and wine country will also participate by waiving corkage fees for patrons sharing their ¡Salud! cuvée on Aug. 11.
¡Salud! is a program supported by the Oregon wine industry and Tuality Healthcare to provide access to healthcare services for seasonal vineyard workers and their families. The key fundraiser is the annual November auction at which Oregon’s premier winemakers debut Pinot Noirs crafted exclusively for ¡Salud! This year’s auction will take place Nov. 9 and 10.