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Location:LaVelle Vineyards Tasting Room Eugene
Map:296 E. 5th Street Suite #25,Eugene,OR 97401
All Dates:Jul 21, 2012 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Live Music with Homeschool

Join us for music on the Garden Plaza. The members of Homeschool have extremely diverse musical influences and backgrounds, from jazz to gospel to hardcore to punk rock. Tyler and Justin both went to Churchill high school in Eugene, Oregon, and began playing music during their junior year, mostly in rock bands. However, Tyler’s lessons with Bill Hackleroad of “Captain Beefheart” and “The Magic Band” helped him find his own voice in soul and blues. Tyler and Justin have always had a musical rapport, which has only strengthened as they have both grown musically over the years. Tyler and Justin both feel extremely fortunate to have Scott on bass. The three of them are all on the same musical page, and find that playing and performing is fun and easy when they are together.


Join us for music on the Garden Plaza. The members of Homeschool have extremely diverse musical influences and backgrounds, from jazz to gospel to hardcore to punk rock. Tyler and Justin both went to Churchill high school in Eugene, Oregon, and began playing music during their junior year, mostly in rock bands. However, Tyler’s lessons with Bill Hackleroad of “Captain ...
LaVelle Vineyards Tasting Room Eugene
LaVelle Vineyards Tasting Room Eugene 97401 296 E. 5th Street Suite #25,Eugene,OR 97401
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